Sunday, April 22, 2012

Breakfast of Champions is now Green. Basil goes with EVERYTHING!

Eat more kale. I love kale. I consume it in some very simple recipes quite frequently. People often ask me how to make a green smoothie. Well, it's really simple. Make a regular smoothie and put some green stuff in it. Jamba Juice really should jump on this one, because any of their smoothies could easily have kale added to glorious effects. I know this to be true because I worked at several Jamba Juices years ago, but I am sworn to secrecy about the recipes.
My own creation based on a smoothie I had at a delicious raw, vegan restaurant in St. Petersburg, Florida (Leafy Greens Cafe) while attending SUP yoga teacher training:

1 1/2 Cups loosely packed fresh Kale (using black kale- about 4 large leaves, I remove the stalks)
1/2 Cup loosely packed fresh Basil (3-6 large leaves) & fresh Parsley (small hand full of leaves)
1 Frozen Banana, use two for a thicker drink ( I buy a bunch of bananas let them ripen to my idea of a perfectly ripe banana, then peel and freeze in a zip lock bag) 
1/2 Cup frozen Pineapple (Trader Joe's sells a 1lb bag of frozen pineapple tidbits for $1.79)
1 Cup of fresh squeezed Orange Juice (I've also discovered organic frozen OJ concentrate at TJs & will be experimenting with adding a touch of that with some water to the mix, realizing fresh squeezed OJ on a daily basis is prohibitive)

Put everything in the blender. Blend. Keep blending. Rock the blender a little. Pulse. Blend. When smooth, pour into a glass and consume. You will be surprised at how delicious it is. I'm not a nutrition expert, but I'm told that fresh, raw greens have tons of live, beneficial enzymes. Orange, pineapple & banana is a delicious combination. You will be surprised at how the basil compliments all the other flavors. My favorite herb, I've enjoyed it in so many things from chocolate truffles, to lemonade, to this glass of green wonder.

Change the flavor by using strawberries, kiwi, or other berries. I think frozen bananas are a key element, as they lend a nice texture and you don't need to add any ice when using them. Icy smoothies just don't do it for me. I'll be working on new recipes as summer's bounty comes into season.

Use fresh organics where possible. Sometimes frozen fruits are more practical. Always buy strawberries & kale organic!
 My green breakfast, or any morning, meal or no meal, for that matter,  is rounded off with green tea.

Taiwanese high mountain green tea presents beautifully.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Feels like the first time.

The older we get, the less we experience truly new things. I really started contemplating this the year I turned 30. I was dating this guy who did all kinds of cool stuff, and I was like, I want to do that too. I started with trying to learn how to roller blade. When the weather is good in Seattle, not being outside enjoying it is anxiety inducing. So great, rollerblading, another good reason to get out and enjoy some elusive sunshine. All I'll say about my foray into rollerblading is that I'm glad REI has such a generous return policy.
Moving on to winter. Because one needs incentive to get out the other 9 months a year in the Pacific Northwest.... enter snowboarding.  The first time I strapped the board to my feet, I pretty much instantly fell over. Falling on snow does hurt the knees and tailbone a bit, but it's much more forgiving than pavement. And frankly, seems way cooler than rollerblading. There's a bit of a learning curve when it comes to learning how to ride, but then there's that moment when it clicks. I'm surfing this mountain, and it feels awesome, we are one. I get it, I can do it. It's brand new, and exciting, and I've never felt this before, and I'm 30 years old. Something genuinely new. It's quite invigorating. Since this little epiphany, I've done more to seek out new experiences. Of course there's traveling and seeing new places, which is always fresh and exciting, but somehow it's not the same. Perhaps it's that a new landscape doesn't always translate into doing something new.

I've long practiced yoga. It has surely been mentioned that I started my yoga journey with Bikram, and this long before the "something new after 30 quest". Eventually I was forced to move on to other practices since I lived on a tropical island and Bikram was not available there. In my quest for more yoga I discovered yoga glo (this is a great website with tons of classes taught by world class teachers). I thought "I'll try this level 2/3 class with Dice Ida Klein." About 3.6 minutes in I was just watching the class video. I had no idea what was going on, and I could not hang- quite literally. Inversions, arm balances, even just jumping back into chaturanga (and say what? that also involves a handstand?!?). It was all new. I could not imagine myself ever doing these things, but I was inspired. Now it almost pains me to hear people say this. "I'll never be able to do that." Well, not if you keep telling yourself that, fool.

I never imagined this was possible. Good thing someone else knew it was (and told me) Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana or One Foot or Leg King Pigeon.
Fast forward one year from my first Dice class- now nearly 4 years into the quest for new experiences.  I find myself participating in an amazing yoga teacher training through Frog Lotus Yoga's international "division". (Please check them out if you've considered a YTT, and use my name for a discount- I have to contact them on your behalf for the discount. Feel free to email me if you have questions regarding the trainings, I'd be happy to share my experiences.) One thing our fearless leader often said was, don't think about it, just envision yourself doing it, and go. And more often than not, I went. I dropped back into wheel. I picked myself up from wheel. I jumped back from bakasana to chauturanga. And that was revolutionary. That's when I really started to tap into this mental power. I got this.

Continuing a teacher training assignment, I always have 3 postures I'm working on. I've been working on handstand (Adho Mukha Vriksasana) and forearm balance (Pincha Mayurasana)  basically since that teacher training, so 6 months now. (I've had the 3rd posture on rotation, because I've reached my goals there- the inversions have been elusive little buggers.) I've finally moved away from the wall for the inversions. Tonight as I practiced my handstand after a class, I said to myself, ok, hop yourself up there, and suck your body up into that imaginary straw and BE IN A HANDSTAND (straw analogy thanks to Tiffany Cruikshank). So I did. For about, oh, 7 seconds. BUT, it was SO EXCITING. I believe that doing something like this must be close to the feeling a baby has when they roll over for the first time. And that is certainly a day one's world view shifts in some major way. That's the shit. (Sorry Vidya, for the language) And there's so much more to come. So, bring it.

To clarify, yes I can sort of twist myself up into a pretzel, but that's not the point. The point is taping into your own power. Imagining the impossible, and making it real. It applies to all we do in life.